"Truth About HIPAA" Month Campaign

April was “Truth About HIPAA” Month at CCHF. Every Tuesday throughout the month, we released an original cartoon to help Americans understand how HIPAA harms them – please continue to LIKE and SHARE on social media, and use the hashtag #HIPAAharms

CCHF "Discharge" Instructions

At the doctorā€™s office or in the hospital, discharge instructions are often given to you before you leave. These instructions tell you the next steps you need to take after youā€™ve been treated. Download and print these instructions to keep with you.

"Introducing The Wedge"


Watch our new animated video to promote The Wedge of Health FreedomĀ®, a nationwide online directory of independent, cash-based practices.

COVID-19 Quick Reference Guide

CCHF has updated its COVID-19 Quick Reference Guide with Immediate Steps to Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19 and “Long Haul” Covid Disease.

View CCHF's Model State Legislation Library!

This Library was designed to provide state policymakers with model legislation that protects patient rights, individual freedom of choice, medical privacy, and affordable access to care. The templates are written for easy adaptation in any state.

Protecting Patient and Doctor Freedom

The Mission Of Citizens’ Council For Health Freedom

CCHF Denounces Dr. Fauciā€™s Testimony andĀ Demands Accountability for Pandemic MismanagementĀ 

ST. PAUL, Minn.ā€Æā€” Citizensā€™ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) Co-founder and President Twila Brase, RN, PHN provides the following statement on Dr. Fauciā€™s testimony before the House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic:  ā€œDr. Fauciā€™s role...
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Turnabout: From Ridicule to Realization
Turnabout: From Ridicule to Realization

Chris Cuomoā€™sĀ recent endorsement of ivermectinĀ is surprising, to say the least.Ā At first glance, it seems like a positive development,Ā but this shocking reversal is overshadowed by his on-air refusal to apologize for disparaging those who did not take the Covid shot....

Congress Must Act on Dire Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report, Says CCHFĀ 
Congress Must Act on Dire Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report, Says CCHFĀ 

ST. PAUL, Minn.ā€Æā€” Citizensā€™ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is asking Congress and the news media to dig deeper into the 2024 Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report. The Trustees recently announced a five-year extension of solvency for Medicareā€™s hospitalization program.  ...

Press Releases

Congress Must Act on Dire Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report, Says CCHFĀ 
Congress Must Act on Dire Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report, Says CCHFĀ 

ST. PAUL, Minn.ā€Æā€” Citizensā€™ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is asking Congress and the news media to dig deeper into the 2024 Medicare Trusteesā€™ Report. The Trustees recently announced a five-year extension of solvency for Medicareā€™s hospitalization program.  ...

Latest Video

To view more videos, please go to the video library.

Act Now: CCHF is Always Working

Each day, CCHF works to protect patient and doctor freedom. We know that securing health freedom for all is an effort that must involve the federal government, as well as state and local governments. Learn more about what CCHF is doing right now across the country ā€“ and in your state. Get involved in the fight for health freedom!

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CCHF At Work

Speaking EventĀ 

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