American Bioweapon Researchers Endanger Us All

Gain-of-function research did not begin with COVID-19. The public health authoritarianism and dangerous research initiatives that have shaped our current landscape began long before COVID-19. This history of clandestine activities has profound implications that we are only beginning to understand.

Was Lyme Disease Created as a Bioweapon?
In Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, author Kris Newby presents a compelling argument that Lyme Disease may have been created as a bioweapon during gain-of-function research. It was first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut, just 17.3 miles from Lab 257 on Plum Island, New York. As the debilitating tick-born disease becomes more widespread, the disease’s sudden appearance in 1975 raises more questions today about its origins.

In an interview, former science writer Newby suggests the disease can be traced back to experimentation and lab-created bioweapon bugs, potentially from America’s bug-born weapons program called Project 112. Dr. Burgdorfer, who she interviewed for the book, was doing bioweapon research on ticks at Rocky Mountain Labs. 

More recently, Newby says this lab was collaborating with Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, whose U.S.-funded coronavirus research activities just got him debarred from all federal grants. She also discusses the little-known “sheep kill” in 1968. A chemical weapons accident using VX nerve agent killed 6,000 sheep just 60 miles from Salt Lake City. The government covered it up.

Did the Bird Flu Epidemic Begin as a Lab Leak?
Dr. Peter McCullough’s new study, published in the journal Cureus, presents strong evidence that the current bird flu outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia, and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Dr. McCullough argues convincingly that these labs, which have long been engaged in gain-of-function research on bird flu, are responsible for the current epidemic. This revelation challenges the mainstream narrative and calls into question the safety and ethics of such research.

Is COVID-19 a bioweapon?
As the result of a 2014 moratorium on gain-of-function research, it appears certain actors in our federal government started sending GOF research dollars to China, specifically the Wuhan Institute. In 2018, U.S. researcher Ralph Baric asked the U.S. Department of Defense research authority (DARPA) to fund a bat coronavirus project that looked too much like GOF research, and DARPA rejected his request for $14 million. Some speculate he’d already worked with China to add a furin cleavage site (FCS) to bat coronavirus making it more virulent. 

Just two years later, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in China – with a furin cleavage site. Millions died from what scientists told Fauci looked like an “engineered” virus – because it had the FCS.

In light of these revelations, it is time to re-evaluate our approach to dangerous, life-threatening scientific research. For too long there has been more going on than meets the eye. For too long Americans have trusted its public health officials and defense authorities. Covid opened our eyes.

Thank you for supporting our work to ensure transparency and accountability are restored as the cornerstones of public health policy moving forward!

In liberty,

Twila Brase, RN, PHN
President and Co-founder
June 12, 2024

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