For far too long, Americans have been deliberately deceived.
The protections promised by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have masked a troubling truth: rather than safeguarding patient privacy, HIPAA has served as a cloak for the free exchange of our health data.
HIPAA was never crafted with patient privacy in mind. Instead, it has facilitated the exploitation of patient data by corporate interests.
Consider the hefty profits raked in by companies like OptumInsights, a health data subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group. With a reported revenue of $18.9 billion in 2022, it’s clear that our medical data is big business.
Thanks to HIPAA, 2.2 million entities, from insurance companies to researchers, have access to our medical records – if those who hold the data choose to share it. The potential scope of exploitation is enormous.
One thing is clear: The right to privacy has taken a backseat to convenience and profit.
In April, CCHF is leading the charge in debunking the HIPAA myth. Our “Truth About HIPAA” campaign provides vital insights into the realities of medical data sharing, empowering patients to reclaim their privacy rights. Each Tuesday this month, we will publish a new cartoon designed to inform and educate.
We just published our third cartoon yesterday – have you seen it yet?
We have also initiated a social media campaign to spread the word about the HIPAA hoax. Be sure to visit our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts – LIKE and SHARE our content with the hashtag #HIPAAharms.
Now is the time for action. Patients must refuse to sign HIPAA acknowledgment statements and reject intrusive questionnaires that serve corporate interests rather than individual health needs. By standing firm against the exploitation of our medical data, we safeguard our autonomy. You can download and print our Refuse to Sign HIPAA card to carry in your wallet when you visit the hospital or doctor’s office.
Through state-level initiatives, legislators can enact robust state privacy laws that shield citizens from HIPAA’s overreach, ensuring that our most intimate medical details remain private.
To learn more about our “Truth About HIPAA” Campaign and join the fight for health freedom, visit
Together, we can expose HIPAA and reclaim our rights to privacy and autonomy in the exam room!
In liberty,
Twila Brase, RN, PHN
Make an Educated Choice