Award-Winning Book

** Now Available: 4th printing, now with INDEX and revised National Patient ID Section **

Eight Awards

On March 11, 2019, ‘Big Brother’ received a FIRST-PLACE honor in the 2018-2019 Reader Views Literary Awards! Encourage your friends, colleagues, and family to purchase and read the book! Click here to read the reviewer’s comments

May 4, 2019: ‘Big Brother’ received two awards in the Midwest Independent Publishing Association’s 29th Annual Midwest Book Awards Gala: Finalist in the “Health” category and WINNER in the “Social Issues/Political Issues/Culture” category.

May 17, 2019: The National Indie Excellence Awards announced that “Big Brother” had been chosen as a Finalist in the “Medical” category.

April 28, 2020: ‘Big Brother’ was announced as a Montaigne Medal Finalist by the Eric Hoffer Book Awards.

April 28, 2020: ‘Big Brother’ was announced as a New Horizon Award Finalist by the Eric Hoffer Book Awards.

April 28, 2020: ‘Big Brother’ was announced as a ‘Short List’ Award Finalist by the Eric Hoffer Book Awards.

May 18, 2020: It was anounced that “Big Brother” was the WINNER of the Eric Hoffer Book Awards in the “Health” category. Click here to read the reviewer’s comments.

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