CCHF submitted written testimony recently opposing HF 1030, a bill introduced...
Private vs. Public Coverage
CCHF Submits Written Testimony Opposing MN HF 1030
Submitted Written Testimony for H.F. 1030 (Eliminate Cost-Sharing) House...
Health Sharing – Coverage Without Insurance
As health care costs continue to rise, individuals and families face difficult...
“In countries where the vaccine has not been approved by the relevant...
Medical Sharing: An Inexpensive Alternative to Health Insurance
Health Care Sharing Ministries, Comparison Chart (2022)
Socialized Medicine in the USA (1942 – 2020)
Since 1942, the U.S. health care system has been taken over by HMOs and health...
Six Reasons You May Want to Opt Out of Medicare
President Trump signed an executive order that provides choice to seniors...
Medicare Opt-Out Option
Medicare Opt-Out Option - UPDATE 7/5/2022 The On September 9, 2020, the...